Cheesy Roasted Cauliflower Soup
Cheesy Roasted Cauliflower soup is a thing of joy. If you’re a cauliflower or macaroni cheese fan, you’ll love this as it’s a reminder of those best of comfort foods. It’s a fine thing on a cold day or if you are feeling a little low and want something to wrap around you from the inside out. The other thing is it’s a surprisingly elegant plate if you puree the soup until it’s really creamy. It signals casual elegance even though you just threw it together. What’s not to love?
To serve as a light supper, toast some sourdough bread to go alongside.
Serves 4
Special Equipment - stick blender, stand blender or food processor.
2tbs Nutritional Yeast
100g vegan strong tasting hard cheese, grated
Salt and pepper to taste
Baby cauli leaves or tiny pieces of the roast florets from the cauliflower/optional
A sprinkling of smoked paprika/optional
1 medium cauliflower, broken into florets, stalks chopped into small chunks
Olive or your fav cooking oil
2 shallots, roughly chopped
1 veggie stockpot
750ml - 1lt tap water
1tbs Dijon mustard

Heat the oven to 170C fan//340F.
Put all of the cauliflower pieces into a roasting tin with some oil and cook in the oven for 25 mins. Once the pieces have softened and begun to caramelise, they are ready to come out.
Meanwhile, fry the shallots gently until they’re soft. Add the stock cube to the water (start with 750ml) and pour it into the saucepan. Add the mustard. Stir to combine and heat through.
Once the cauliflower is ready, put aside a couple of small pieces to garnish the soup, and add the rest to the liquid with the nutritional yeast and the grated cheese. Stir well to combine and to allow the cheese to melt.
Blitz the mixture either with a stick blender or a blender like a Vitamix until the consistency is to your liking - slightly rough or silky smooth. Add more water if it is too thick.
Garnish as you like or just eat as is.